Monday, December 28, 2009
Good Vibes 2010/My Bday!!
Only 6 more weeks til I hit the quarter century. Feelin like I wanna crawl into the foetal position...On the upside though, I've planned a massive celebration with my girls which will hopefully override any feelings of impending doom - Good Vibes Melbourne here we come! I can't wait to see Gym Class Heroes - hello Travis McCoy!!! Is he still with Katy Perry? Not that it's really gonna make a difference in my chances with him. Sigh. I thought I'd share with you this track cuz it's my fave and it's such a funny/cute film clip too. I'll cook you pancakes, Travis ;)
cupid's chokehold,
good vibes,
katy perry,
travis mccoy
A note to the haters
The title of this blog is "This is for my bitches". Why did I decide to call it that? Because simply and obviously I made it for you, my friends, my "bitches".
Recently it has been brought to my attention that my title may be offensive to some readers due to the supposedly "misogynistic" and "degrading" use of the word "bitch". Language is a subject I have written about before and I have no hesitation in coming to the defence of my chosen vocabulary. And I shall explain why, so the "bitch" haters won't have an intellectual high horse to ride on.
Now the term "bitch" has definitely had negative connotations from the beginning. In the most literal sense it refers to a female dog. From there we can derive the negative associations; a woman can thus be called a "bitch", degrading her from a human to an animal (animals being considered a lower form of life by some). Its origins deem the word female-specific however it has also been used in reference to men; e.g. "that guy is a bitch" meaning he is somehow weak, less of a man, feminine. These examples are indeed insulting, especially the latter, as it negatively portrays women as being the weaker sex. Consider why we call men "pussies". Pussy = female = weak. Another degrading form of the word "bitch" can be in reference to a servant of sorts: "Clean my car for me, bitch". There are a load of connotations, and yes, many of them negative. But somewhere along the line, shit got flipped. At some point, someone took that word "bitch" and made it their BITCH. Do you feel me? So now the term can be used in a positive sense, as well as its negative sense.
I'm not sure how or where it all began but perhaps we owe it all to Ja Rule. His track "Down Ass Bitch" was released in 2000 and showed that "bitch" could have positive associations. A "down ass bitch" was characterised by a ride or die mentality; a woman who would always be there for her man; a girl who can roll with the boys, is chilled and down for whatever. Of course, some people obviously still found the term offensive and the song was re-recorded as "Down Ass Chick" for radio. More recently there was David Guetta's track "Sexy Bitch" (aka "Sexy Chick") which took the word into new territories. The lyrics describe a sexy bitch as a "diva", a girl that every other girl wants to be. She's the hottest thing you have ever seen, and she's untouchable. There are connotations that this "sexy bitch" is almost too good for the average guy, something to aspire to, but will never have. This is my interpretation of the lyrics, however I can still hear most feminists crying out in opposition as if being called a sexy bitch reduces a woman to a piece of meat. To you, I suggest taking the stick out of your arse and lighten up - not everything is an attack on woman kind. If a guy opens a car door for you, he is fully aware that you are capable of opening the door for yourself, but he is offering a kind gesture. Similarly, by taking offence at a remark that was meant to be complimentary just reflects a wack state of mind.
In reference to my blog title, I am using "bitch" to mean "friend" which is another more recent definition. No derogotary or misogynistic undertones implied, and my true bitches know this. If you're smart, you know that there is more to a word than just the letters that make it up - meaning is derived from context and delivery also. And my use of "bitch" in this context is entirely positive. At the end of the day, we're talking about a five letter word. It ain't a human, it doesn't have arms or legs that are gonna hurt you. So if you're gonna take so much offence to something that in reality only exists in YOUR MIND, well...that really shows who the bitch is doesn't it?
If you don't like this, then get the fuck off of my page!
Recently it has been brought to my attention that my title may be offensive to some readers due to the supposedly "misogynistic" and "degrading" use of the word "bitch". Language is a subject I have written about before and I have no hesitation in coming to the defence of my chosen vocabulary. And I shall explain why, so the "bitch" haters won't have an intellectual high horse to ride on.
Now the term "bitch" has definitely had negative connotations from the beginning. In the most literal sense it refers to a female dog. From there we can derive the negative associations; a woman can thus be called a "bitch", degrading her from a human to an animal (animals being considered a lower form of life by some). Its origins deem the word female-specific however it has also been used in reference to men; e.g. "that guy is a bitch" meaning he is somehow weak, less of a man, feminine. These examples are indeed insulting, especially the latter, as it negatively portrays women as being the weaker sex. Consider why we call men "pussies". Pussy = female = weak. Another degrading form of the word "bitch" can be in reference to a servant of sorts: "Clean my car for me, bitch". There are a load of connotations, and yes, many of them negative. But somewhere along the line, shit got flipped. At some point, someone took that word "bitch" and made it their BITCH. Do you feel me? So now the term can be used in a positive sense, as well as its negative sense.
I'm not sure how or where it all began but perhaps we owe it all to Ja Rule. His track "Down Ass Bitch" was released in 2000 and showed that "bitch" could have positive associations. A "down ass bitch" was characterised by a ride or die mentality; a woman who would always be there for her man; a girl who can roll with the boys, is chilled and down for whatever. Of course, some people obviously still found the term offensive and the song was re-recorded as "Down Ass Chick" for radio. More recently there was David Guetta's track "Sexy Bitch" (aka "Sexy Chick") which took the word into new territories. The lyrics describe a sexy bitch as a "diva", a girl that every other girl wants to be. She's the hottest thing you have ever seen, and she's untouchable. There are connotations that this "sexy bitch" is almost too good for the average guy, something to aspire to, but will never have. This is my interpretation of the lyrics, however I can still hear most feminists crying out in opposition as if being called a sexy bitch reduces a woman to a piece of meat. To you, I suggest taking the stick out of your arse and lighten up - not everything is an attack on woman kind. If a guy opens a car door for you, he is fully aware that you are capable of opening the door for yourself, but he is offering a kind gesture. Similarly, by taking offence at a remark that was meant to be complimentary just reflects a wack state of mind.
In reference to my blog title, I am using "bitch" to mean "friend" which is another more recent definition. No derogotary or misogynistic undertones implied, and my true bitches know this. If you're smart, you know that there is more to a word than just the letters that make it up - meaning is derived from context and delivery also. And my use of "bitch" in this context is entirely positive. At the end of the day, we're talking about a five letter word. It ain't a human, it doesn't have arms or legs that are gonna hurt you. So if you're gonna take so much offence to something that in reality only exists in YOUR MIND, well...that really shows who the bitch is doesn't it?
If you don't like this, then get the fuck off of my page!
Rihanna ft Grafh - Hard Remix

And I'm not talking about the Teddy Smooth remix. If you look up this track on youtube you're gonna hear that version but that's yet ANOTHER remix. I'm still trying to find a link so you can download the original remix but if you go to Current Hip Hop you can search & listen to it there.
The artist featured is Grafh - I've never heard of this guy so maybe I am like, totally uncool. But anyway. He was apparently big around 2000 and collaborated with some big names...but now that he's featured on a Rihanna track I think he's gonna blow up big time. EDIT: Just realised it's Grafh rapping at the beginning of Trey Songz "Invented Sex" remix!!
When I find a download link for the Hard remix I'll post it asap but til then go to Current Hip Hop and get yo play on.
EDIT: Found the track so click the link below to d/l!!
Blog Envy - DJ DEMIZE!

My first follower!!! Shaweeeeet! Go check out Mr David West aka Dj Demize's blog where you can listen to some of his favourite hip hop joints as well as download all his mixtapes . I've got them all and they are all SPICY. so hit up this link above, become a follower, and treat your ears to some good ish. your lobes will be dancing.
P.S. The man will be spinning at Envy on January 30th (see previous post) so get on that guestlist ASAP by emailing - remember if you ain't on that list you just ain't getting in!
ENVY @ The Promethean Jan 30th 2010

*Nike Wms Terminator Hi Basic - oooh yeh i like this colourway :)*

*Reebok Straptastik x Rolland Berry - these are like Sesame Street in a shoe!*

*Ubiq Presere x Atmos Girls - different. cute*

*Adidas x Jeremy Scott J Wings Swarovski - I wouldn't wear these either but dammmmn*
Yessssss! The next Envy event hits A-town next month and I'm super super excited cuz the theme of the night is gonna be "Killer Kicks" so you know what that means, I get to rock my sneakers in a club!!! Hell yeah! But don't worry ladies, "killer kicks" doesn't just mean sneakers; you can wear any kinda shoes as long as they sexy. And i'm sure some of the heels out at the moment are killer - literally. So I decided to post some kicks that I wouldn't really wear, but have caught my eye...what do y'all think? I better be seein' you all next month!
Thao is Uber Cool.

Ok this is somewhat disturbing.
ok so i found this clip on another blog and after watching it i'm kinda not sure what to say. it's a bit shocking but at the same time, not really. how old are these girls? like 13? and they're shakin their asses like they old enough to be in clubs. i'm sorta confused. let me see, when i was 13 i was trying to re-enact the dance from an S Club 7 video clip in the classroom at lunchtime. yeah, really. it was all about "don't stop, never give up, hold your head high and reach the top" as opposed to "drop it drop it low girl" so frankly i can't really relate. perhaps 10 years ago kids were a lot more innocent, and music film clips were of a different style and not as risque. so i guess this clip we see above is just a sign of the times. it IS kinda strange to watch, but isn't it just girls having fun? or does it show that kids are growing up a little too quickly? i'm not really sure. all i know is that when i see high school girls get on the bus with their skirts so short that they're just grazing their ass cheeks, i feel like slapping them hoes. that is all.
A note on Weezy & Insomnia
from what i hear peeps are kinda undecided about Lil Wayne's new shit on Rebirth...but i think he kills it on this track alongside Eminem. this rock/hip hop hybrid shit is reminding of the days when i used to be into Limp Bizkit - like what the hell happened to Fred Durst??? His face belongs in the next episode of "Where Are They Now" for real. i'm a fan of Weezy whatever he does but i'm still loving the No Ceilings mixtape. if you still haven't heard it then you need to get on that like NOW. why does he give out free music?? cuz like he says, he's Weezy...haha
on another note, all this youtubing and fb-ing and blogging is totally putting my body clock out of wack. i'm thinking about pulling a Lily Allen and fucking off my facebook cuz i seem to be on it constantly when i could be doing more productive things. like watching tv. ha. no, it's no use getting rid of only facebook; i would have to get rid of ALL technology in order to make a point. that means no laptop, no tv, no phone.
yeah. not gonna happen.
That cute funny geek chick...

Screw Ri-Ri, I heart Amerie

sorry but i'm a bit over Rihanna at the moment. i mean she's hot and all but at times she can look a little tranny-esque. and her fashion sense is sometimes debatable. so anyway i was watching Amerie's new film clip for "More Than Love" and i thought to myself, this chick is hotttt. i think she's half black/half korean...what a sexual mix don't u think? <3
Lupe Coming to ADL!! Supported by Diafrix
yahhhh bitch. Lupe is hitting Adelaide on Feb 25th from what i remember...just walked past a poster of it near my work the other day and was like HELL YEAH. and they're supported by those Melbourne boys DIAFRIX (shoutout to Mo! and that crazy dread-headed guy haha) so ima post one of their tracks up here for u to listen to. talented and nice to boot. now can someone pls hook me up with some free tix to Lupe cuz i'm one broke ass muthafucka.
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