Sasha Fierce eat your heart out.

OMG. This is for Nicole, shawty loves her Coca Cola!!! Haha!!

CAT - i picked these earrings for you!

Patricia Field. HELL TO THE YEAH. Nicole, Cmon. You can rock these.
Why is it that whenever I go shopping I end up finding stuff that suits all my friends, but never me? It's like, "Oh that would be so cute for Nicole!" or "Those shoes are soooo Cat". But when it comes to me, nothing ever looks good. Nothing is ever what I like, and I don't even know what I like. But apparently I will "know it when I see it". Actually, I take that back. I know what I like. It just costs ONE TRILLION dollars. Who am I kidding, I can't even afford anything from the $2 shop right now. Meh.
By the by, The new Sex & the City movie is coming out soon so I hit up the Patricia Field website for some obligatory fashion-envy. There is some hot ish on this site. However I never quite understood how the stylist of SATC could make four women look sooooo fabulous, yet make herself look like some kind of disheveled, ghetto-glam hobo grandma. In saying that, she would be a totally cool grandma. Anyway, check out these bits and pieces. Respect the sexy.