There are two holidays where you apparently get to dress up like a skank. One is Easter (who would have thought the death of Jesus would lead to chocolate, bunnies and consequently dressing up like Hugh Hefner's whores?!) and the other is Halloween. Now I know Halloween isn't a holiday in Australia so I have no idea why we bother celebrating it because frankly the only things I know about Halloween are from the movies, i.e. carved pumpkins, trick-or-treating, dressing up as anything scary. Also a really sucky movie starring Josh Hartnett where a dude in a hockey mask tries to kill people and then ends up getting killed himself, SEVERAL times (!), comes to mind...but I digress (btw apologies, I realise this blog is hard to read but my brain seems to work only in long-ass sentences and thoughts-in-brackets at the moment).
Anyways the point of this blog was to discuss Halloween which is coming up in two weeks. What the hell is Halloween all about? Do I even care? Well, we all know what happens when I have a question about nothing really important, e.g. "Is Bert Newton still alive?"; "What happened to Timmy from Passions?"; "How do u make burger patties?" - THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS GOOGLE. According to this amazing source, Halloween originates from Celtic festivals; the Celts believed that on this day, the border between the real world and the spirit world was at its "thinnest" consequently inhabitants of the real world needed to fend off the bad spirits while welcoming the good. The scary costumes were supposedly a way of blending in with the evil ghosts so that they wouldn't harm you.
Apart from the costumes, trick-or-treating is one of the main traditions of Halloween. This usually involves kids dressing up and going door-knocking, asking "TRICK OR TREAT?". Google says that "the word 'trick' refers to a (mostly idle) 'threat' to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given". Well isn't that lovely?
opens door
Ok, what are you supposed to do? Say "trick"? That's just like saying, "Yeah kids, I want you to toilet paper my house and throw eggs at it! That would be delightful!" Obviously you are going to say "treat". But that's fucked up man. Is the spirit of Halloween really about going door-to-door threatening people?? Sure, the person threatening you may be 6 years old but that's not the point I say!!
Anyways, I had a Halloween event at Envy recently so I had to put together an outfit for it. Originally I wanted to go with something scary since that's the tradition. But I realised that Halloween has turned into a fancy dress party, meaning you can pretty much wear anything as long as its a costume, scary or otherwise. Hence the skanks have another reason to come out and play. What I ended up with was an 'Evil Fairy' because I wanted to utilise the black tutu I've had sitting in my makeshift wardrobe for the last two years (one of those "I'll wear this one day" purchases). Peep some pics below!! Now I need another costume for the real Halloween on the 31st so it's time to get creative again...this time it's gotta be something SPOOKAY!! Any ideas?