Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A response to Mr Anonymous Pt. 2

Hey, look! I can be anonymous too!

Ok, everyone knows I'm a bit of a feminist. The shit thing about labelling yourself as a 'feminist' is that there is so much stigma attached to the word; if you're a feminist then you must be a man-hater or a dyke. But I love men! I couldn't live without them! Hence man-hater or dyke is completely contradictory to who I am. In saying that, I can love something but also recognise there are things about it that are completely fucked up...and I accept them anyway because I'm nice like that :p

Here's the thing, any woman is a feminist who believes herself to deserve the same respect and benefits as a man. That's what feminism is all about, the idea that we should all be treated equally regardless of gender. Just because we get our backs up about not getting the same respect, we are suddenly deemed 'man-haters' when in fact, it's not about us hating men and trying to be more superior than them, it's about us as human beings demanding the same rights as another human being. For example, if you are doing the same job as another colleague in your field, you would expect to be paid the same hourly rate, correct? Now let's just say that other colleague was getting paid more than you to do the same job, would you not kick up a fuss too, no matter if they were a man or a woman? I know I would! And this is what women are saying - we just want equal recognition and opportunities.

So when Mr Anonymous comes along and states that "true equality will not, should not and can-not happen", you can imagine my reaction. He says that women and men are not physically created the same therefore how can we be treated the same. He also says we do not have the testosterone, ego, pride or territoralistic nature that is required to be at the top of our game. That seems like a fair argument.

First, it is true we are not physically equal. Most men are bigger and stronger than the average woman. Men also have larger brains. However, they use less of it than the female. Funny that. It's also true that guys work well in jobs which require more physical strength. For example, you don't see a lot of girls working in hard labour positions because many girls do not have the physical capabilities required for such jobs. However, physical inequality between the genders does not mean that a woman who applies for such a position should be considered less of a worthy candidate than a man if she demonstrates that she has the skills required. In other words, if there is a woman out there who does have the physical abilities to do what the job requires, she should be given the same consideration as any other male candidate. In this way, it comes down to choosing someone who is right for the job based on whether they fulfil the criteria required and NOT because of their gender. So in response to Mr Anonymous' claim that women should not fight on the frontline because they are physically inept - I say if a woman shows the ability that is required for the position and she passes all the physical tests required of a job which is based on physicality, then let her fight!! There may not be very many women out there who have the inclination to do so, but on the off chance that they do, then they should have the opportunity. Most importantly they should have the opportunity without having to deal with taunting, harrassment or degradation from men around her.

Second, it is true that women do not have testosterone. Mr Anonymous claims that women do not have the balls, so to speak, to climb the corporate ladder and that these are needed, along with ego and a sense of territorialism if we want to acheive the same results as a man. Well you know what, you're right Mr Anonymous. A lot of us women do not have those things. AND THANK FUCK. Testosterone-fuelled ego is in large part to blame for the sorry state of the world at the moment! Everywhere you turn there are men on power trips, pushing others down to get to the top and starting wars for no good reason except that they do not have the intellectual ability to solve a problem without bombing someone. It's fucking pathetic. If ego and territorialism is required to get to the top of the corporate ladder then I say men can keep their positions! It is true that the corporate world has been created and dominated by men, but just because something has been that way since we can remember, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be changed! Throughout history, there have been systems that were accepted as normal but were actually degrading to certain cultures or social classes - but in time, they were changed. Just because we are used to men dominating everything, doesn't mean it's right and we should just accept it. Especially when people are being disadvantaged by that system.

Men need to stop flattering themselves. We aren't trying to be like you. We are simply demanding the respect that you guys take for granted. Men walk around every day thinking it is normal for them to be able to command more attention or receive more understanding from the people around them. What they don't realise is that it's NOT normal for them to have an advantage or preference over anyone. It's NOT normal for a man to take his car into a mechanic and for his questions to be treated more seriously than if he was a female. It's NOT normal for a man to be promoted instead of a woman just because he is a man.

So yes, the one thing I can agree on is that men and women are physically different. But so is each and every one of us. No human on the earth is the same as another. We need to stop being so simplistic as to categorise ourselves into MALE or FEMALE because we are much more complex than a tick in the M or F box. The more we seperate ourselves in any form, be it by gender, race or class, the more we invite discrimination and inequality into our lives.

I still love you boys. And one day soon I'll ask you to change a lightbulb for me. Just know that I'm fully capable of doing it myself, I'm just lazy.


Read Mr Anonymous' original post here