Being a celebrity really makes dreams comes true don't it? I feel a Jay Z song comin' on..."When the money goes, will the honeys stay..." HAHAHA. This pic is from behind the scenes of the "Bedrock" video. I fucking love this video. The way Lil Wayne just wakes up in the morning surrounded by a bed of beautiful girls...this guy is a crack up. Weezy, you are KIIIING!!!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Call me Mr Flinstone...
Being a celebrity really makes dreams comes true don't it? I feel a Jay Z song comin' on..."When the money goes, will the honeys stay..." HAHAHA. This pic is from behind the scenes of the "Bedrock" video. I fucking love this video. The way Lil Wayne just wakes up in the morning surrounded by a bed of beautiful girls...this guy is a crack up. Weezy, you are KIIIING!!!
Spot the difference
I know these photos have been making the rounds already but I wanted to post them anyway for all my ladies who haven't had a chance to see them. Take a good look at these pictures. Seriously, who looks more appealing? These are from a photo shoot by Terry Richardson that appeared in V magazine. The girl on the left is a standard model (size 6) while the girl on the right is a plus size (probably size 12). I'm really looking hard at these pics...and you know what? I think the supposed fat girl actually rocks that shit better. And i'm not just saying that because I think it's the right thing to say. I mean, she really does look better in my eyes. The standard model chick looks hot too but when you put her side by side against Size 12, she looks kinda stick-insect like, and shapeless. Whereas the girl on the right has great shape to her legs and slammin hips. It IS hard for me to say that the bigger girl looks better because those that know me KNOW that I am always going on about losing weight and wanting to get all Nicole Ritchie on my ass. The truth is I do feel better when I've lost a couple of kilos - I feel lighter, clothes fit better, and I have more confidence. But when I look at these photos I think maybe it ain't so bad having a few extra kilos. Everyone says it, but it's true - curves are sexy.Of course, there is a line. There are health factors involved - being obese is not OK...but you can have some extra meat on your bones as long as you eat a nutritious diet and exercise. In this case, it really is what's on the inside that counts. And just being a size 8 doesn't automatically mean you're healthy or fit! I know some skinny bitches who would pass out after running 10 minutes on the treadmill while a girl twice her size could run for twice as long.
On a side note, the thing that everyone talks about is the media's pressure on women, mainly from magazines. These photos further suggest that this is true. We do constantly see these skinny models in magazines and we are programmed to think this is what IDEAL beauty is. On top of that we have mens magazines portraying the typical big breasted, skinny waisted, hourglass shaped girls...and we're meant to live up to that? Are guys looking at these pictures and comparing us "normal" girls to them? Because they might say they're not, but subconsciously I bet they are. This worries me. Anyway I digress. The point is, ROCK THOSE CURVES. And I'm talking to all my friends who complain about their size! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! I will endeavour to tell myself that too if you bitches start believing it ok.
Cool words
"I want a life that sizzles and pops and makes me laugh out loud. And I don't want to get to the end, or to tomorrow, even, and realize that my life is a collection of meetings and pop cans and errands and receipts and dirty dishes. I want to eat cold tangerines and sing loud in the car with the windows open and wear pink shoes and stay up all night laughing and paint my walls the exact color of the sky right now. I want to sleep hard on clean white sheets and throw parties and eat ripe tomatoes and read books so good they make me jump up and down, and I want my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone who loves the gift."
-Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines
Note to self: must read this book from which this quote was taken. But I wouldn't eat cold tangerines. Make it mangoes.
-Shauna Niequist, Cold Tangerines
Note to self: must read this book from which this quote was taken. But I wouldn't eat cold tangerines. Make it mangoes.
Keep Yo Shit Private! FB Fails...

Look, so I know I'm not exactly the queen of discretion when it comes to Facebook. The subtitle above "Making it Even Easier For You to Stalk Me" was meant to be poking fun at the fact that yes, I do constantly update my status and yes, I am constantly letting you know my exact daily location and activities, so I'm pretty much inviting you to have a freakish obsession with my life. And now there is this blog, so you get to see what's inside my head too. Yes, these things are out there and open to the public. However, I draw the line at publicly exposing the things that are truly personal to me. The things that are really meant to be private, ARE private, and you will not see them on my facebook nor shall you see me writing about them in this blog. So it bothers me when I log into FB this morning and see the updates of a certain girl (who shall remain unnamed) BEGGING for the forgiveness of her now ex-boyfriend and petitioning FB friends to support their reunion. Her previous update was a pitiful exclamation at being dumped - with a comment by her ex angrily explaining why he broke up with her, and then a bunch of other friends throwing in their two cents on the disaster.
Firstly, I do not want to read on Facebook about the pathetic demise of anyone's relationship and I certainly don't think anyone should be begging for someone's forgiveness using such a medium. Heard of a telephone? It's this communication device some dude called Bell invented back in the 1800s and it allows you to talk to someone without the rest of the world listening in to your conversation. Seriously, no-one wants to watch disgruntled lovers hash it out in a status update comment war! Save that shit for behind closed doors! It's sad. I know it's 2010 and all but fuck...if this is how communication has evolved then it's no wonder our personal relationships are steadily dissolving. I feel for this girl, I really do. Of course I know what it feels like to be dumped and to want your boyfriend back. And yeah, sometimes you think of crazy ways to try and re-establish a connection. But on Facebook? Come on. I mean, you might as well create an Event and title it "I'm Pathetic and My Relationship is Shit" then invite all your friends to come along. There are just some things that are not meant for public viewing, and needless to say, this should include your private life and romantic relationships. What do you all think?
Check out for the rest of the argument in the pic above...this isn't who I was writing about, it's just some random dude bitching about his girlfriend. Was very tempted to send Lamebook a print screen shot of the conversation I'm talking about, but since I know this girl ima save her the embarassment haha.
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