It's Good Friday!! So let this be a time to celebrate overpriced bags of chocolate mini eggs, skanky club hos dressed in Playboy Bunny outfits and most importantly the beginning of a long drunken weekend!! Ok all jokes aside, no matter what your religion (or lack of), I think we should all make this time an opportunity to appreciate the fact we are alive, healthy, loved, and have a beautiful world to live in. The meaning of Easter may not mean much to some people, especially if it's not a holiday you usually celebrate, but I think we can all appreciate one general concept...and that's LOVE. So even if you don't get the whole "Jesus died for us so we could live" stuff, why not just make this a time to celebrate that one little thing that binds us all. Then put out the thank-you vibes for this life that we take pretty much for granted. Oh, and one more thing. Go hug a tree. They need love too :)
Eva xx