Monday, August 30, 2010

Doctor Evil.

Ok Dr Phil is a wanker. I feel like punching him in the face every time I watch an episode of his show because he is everything I despise in a person: condescending, chauvinistic, conservative and a know-it-all. On today's show, a woman asked, "Dr Phil, are you God?" - and I laughed because that is exactly how the good doctor presents himself. He claims to be the number one authority on anything and everything, not to mention he thinks he can predict the future by telling his guests how he KNOWS their lives will turn out if they choose a certain path. How about GFY. I feel sorry for his guests because a lot of the time he humiliates them in order to make his point and to make it worse, he has a whole audience of Dr Phil disciples to clap and cheer at his every word.

In the episode called "Race to the Altar", Dr Phil talks to a 47 year old woman and a 47 year old man about their ideas for marriage and children. Both say that they very much want marriage and children. But when Dr Phil asks them why they haven't settled down, he portrays the reasons for the man and the woman in very different ways. Apparently the woman has not found anyone because she is too "picky" while the reason that the man has not found anyone is because women are too "flaky" and "don't follow through" when they say they want to get married and have kids.

First, why is it that when a woman knows what she wants, she is immediately labelled as "picky"? One minute Dr Phil is saying to another guest "you shouldn't settle for a loser", the next he is telling this woman that she is too "picky"! Well make up your fucking mind, Dr Phil. Or how about just fuck off altogether because you apparently have no idea what you're talking about.

Second, why is it that when a man is single, it's apparently the woman's fault? She's too "flaky"? So this 47 year old guy hasn't settled down purely because he has dated women who SAY they want to get married but actually DO NOT? In other words, it comes down soley to the woman not wanting to commit? Well that is completely fucked up. How about we take a look at the MAN in this situation and ask HIM what the hell is wrong with him that no woman wants to marry him! Clearly, there must be something wrong with him if he can't find a woman who wants to get married - this world is crawling with women who want a man to put a ring on it! Are you serious! Ok to be fair, it's obviously not just HIS fault. At least he could have acknowledged that his failed relationships were not the result of women's lack of commitment, but were due to issues from both parties and their incompatibilities.

But this kind of representation is typical of Dr Phil. In his eyes, women are the ones who need to change, it's never the men. In his eyes, women are the crazy, irrational ones who need to learn to stop being so picky and listen more to the men in their lives. I almost smashed the TV when Dr Phil was demonising his female guest and in the midst of her defending herself, he interrupted and shut her up with "it seems like you talk a lot and listen very little"!! What a faggot. I'm surprised he didn't follow that line with "...and get back in the kitchen".

What scares me most is not Dr Phil himself, but the fact that he has so many supporters who take his words as gospel. Dr Phil is NOT God. He doesn't know what's best for you simply because he has studied psychology or psychiatry. He has his own biases and value system which have been influenced by his OWN experiences and guess what, YOUR experiences are, and will be, very different. It's all well and good to hear about other people's experiences and we can most definitely learn from them but I believe we should essentially make our own choices based on intelligent decisions, taking into account the fact that the advice we may be receieving may be very biased or coming from a place of ignorance. Once again, it comes back to what I always say - DON'T BE A SHEEP. Go ahead and listen to people like Dr Phil or your family or friends, but listen with intelligence and do not take anyone's words as gospel. I believe in trusting yourself and your own instincts - if that steers you down a path which may seem "wrong" or unfavourable, maybe that is just the journey that you need to go on. I think this blog has gone on a slight tangent...but let me leave you with the one thing that I would like you to take from this:


Thank you and good evening.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm Cheap.

Who else here finds immense pleasure in browsing through those trash stores like Cheap as Chips/Reject Shop/Two Dollar Shop?? MEEEEE!! I DOOOO!!! It's so fucking glorious wandering through the aisles and finding a bunch of stuff you never knew you needed, all at the SUPER-glorious price of pretty much nothing! I LOVE IT! It's like everything seems so much more essential and awesome due to it's ridiculous worthlessness, doesn't it? Example:

Eva: "Wow! Sponges that cost a dollar! That's so fucking cool!"

Eva: "OMG! A sparkly magic wand! That could be totally useful...for the future..."


Eva: "An eraser for your clothes!! WOAHHHH...that can totally remove stains when I can't be fucked washing my clothes! I may never even have to wash my clothes ever again if I can just find a smell eraser..."

Do you see what I mean? These stores are full of little gems which one could never live without!!! I urge you all to pop into your local "Save-a-Dollar" and check out all the fantastically useless items they have in-store! You won't regret it! The funny thing is, you always end up buying something that you probably wouldn't have otherwise, so how are you "saving a dollar"? You're actually wasting a whole bunch of dollars on shit like cheap candy and pretty smelling hand wash. Hand wash that really only smells good and is utterly crap for actually washing your hands because the manufacturers apparently didn't have an extra dollar to put into adding the stuff that makes it lather. Hmmm. Either way, I still find these shops delightfully entertaining. And I'm sure that at some point in the future I will totally have use for those little loveheart stickers I bought and that furry little headband with ears...


Monday, August 23, 2010

Pure happy.

Thanks to Kid Cudi ( for this link...This is what the man on the moon himself said about this video:

this is a perfect example of why i do what i do, so people can have fun and vibe out and feel something. a lot of the comments n this youtube post talk about the old man being on some type of drug or whatever, but fuck all that. i know people his age that aint doin shit but watching golf and the grand kids. this dude is my hero and exactly how i wanna be living when im his age, still havin a good time just listening and vibing to great music. still feeling the feeling. go head old homie, you go head

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Phally's 30th Heroes & Villains Party!

A selection of pics from the party...HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHALLY :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tanty Time gets Political.

Now we all know that I tend to get all ranty about a whole buch of things because you end up reading about it. But I must admit, nothing really shits me as much as CHAUVINISTIC MEN (aka IDIOTS, WANKERS, FUCKWITS, etc). I know what you're thinking - "Here Eva goes for a little ride on her feminist high horse", as if you haven't heard enough from me on this subject already. But I'm sorry, I simply reach the end of my tether when I encounter idiocy. Example: The other night I went to visit Mum and I was sitting quietly, putting together bits and pieces for my Wonder Woman costume (stay tuned for pics!) and every two seconds, another Election ad would appear on the TV. An image of Julia Gillard appears on the screen. Next thing I hear is my Mum's partner yell out, "She's a ginger-haired lesbian!" followed quickly by, "and she's not married and doesn't believe in God so she has no morals!". Now imagine me sitting there - my eyes suddenly burned with fire, my hands and arms started to turn green, I began growing muscles at a rapid rate and my clothes started ripping apart as my body grew into a huge grotesque GREEN MONSTER...RARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, not really...but yeah, I was angry. Let me just say something OK:


First, let's just forget your personal opinions about Juila Gillard and your election preferences and let me ask you this: who has the right to judge ANYONE negatively on things like personal appearance, marital status or religious views? Last time I checked, not I nor my Mum's partner could cliam that they knew Juila Gillard personally so how DARE anyone make scathing judgements in such a derogatory manner?! Judging someone on what you THINK you know about them, or making completely unfounded generalisations about someone is plain wrong and totally undeserved.

How does being single and career-orientated suddenly mean you are a lesbian? Only a man as ignorant and macho as my Mum's partner would see someone's choice of relationship status as a rejection of the male species and then take enough offence to warrant his insulting remarks! Please note that I do not think it is insulting to be called a lesbian, rather I find someone's INTENT to insult, insulting. Who really gives a fuck what her sexual preference is...although if you really want to call her a lesbian that would completely contradict Gillard's opposition to same-sex marriages so if you're going to label someone, do your fucking research first.

Now how can you say someone has no morals because they do not believe in God? My mum's partner said, and I quote: "[she] doesn't believe in God so she has no morals". The most important word in this statement is "SO". This little word is what equates 'no morals' with athiesim. Right, so because Julia Gilllard is an athiest, she is probably a murderer, adulterer, thief and all-round bad person? Wow. I truly find it offensive to think that I may be labelled as someone without morals because I choose to disbelieve in God. Personally, I do believe in a god, but I also believe that dinosaurs existed and that we are an evolved species; I do not believe we are descendants of an Adam and Eve. Does that make me a bad person without morals? The answer is, I don't care what you think anyway and I'd be stupid to believe what someone else said that they know about me, or what I should think...the only person who knows me, is me! But I digress. The point is, I feel it is blatantly wrong to accuse someone of having no morals, for ANY reason. No-one has the right to assume they know anything about you based on things like religious beliefs, physical appearance or sexual preference. This blog isn't about pro-Labor or defending Julia Gillard; this blog is about the idiocy of people's thinking and how brainless wankers judge people they don't even know, for no good reason. Frankly I couldn't give a toss about Julia Gillard. If you want to talk about the election, my opinion is that either way we are screwed - we have to choose between two very conservative candidates and I don't agree with a lot of the policies on either side. But no matter how I vote, I know I will base it on the party's political views and their history in successfully governing Australia and NOT on judgements I have made about a candidate's life choices or the colour of their hair.

Shira is the Queen! Check out Sugarfree TV on Youtube

"When you begin to find who you are, you find the TRUTH. And the truth is never confusing, never full of doubt, and never hurtful, because it is what you truly want" - Shira

If you're finding a situation too hard or you have too many unanswered questions, or you feel like you are constantly doubting yourself then what you're dealing with ain't the truth. It's probably bullshit. And you should remove yourself from that situation - ASAP. What do you mean Eva? I mean, when you know yourself and you know what you truly want, there will be no internal questions like: "Why is this happening?" or "Should I do this?" because when you find the truth within yourself, everything makes sense and is natural. Example: relationships. I constantly hear about people's relationship woes (I've had my own too aight) and they usually include worries like "Does he/she like me?" or "Is he/she into having a long-term relationship?" or "Why did he/she do that?". And here's what I've realised. If you have to ask ANY of these questions; if you have any doubt AT ALL, then you're not heading towards the truth. And what I mean by 'truth' is, as Shira put it, "what you truly want". So what I'm saying is, where there is doubt, there is bullshit. Relationships shouldn't be that hard. You shouldn't have to wonder whether that other person likes you or not, or if they're serious, or if they kissed that other person to make you jealous, or what their intentions are...bla bla bla. When something is right, when it's REAL AKA THE TRUTH, shit will be easy. You won't need to wonder about the answers because there will be no questions.

Ok here's a question Eva: when are you gonna stop blogging about all this deep and meaningful shit and get back to your normal, sarcastic, angry self? 

Answer: BRB :P 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ADIDAS HARDLAND (VANQUISH) - Sneaker Releases - Sneaker Freaker Magazine


ADIDAS HARDLAND (VANQUISH) - Sneaker Releases - Sneaker Freaker Magazine

Monday, August 16, 2010



Monday, August 9, 2010


The world has gone fucking crazy. Start thinking for yourselves instead of accepting the shit that people feed you...Just cuz you saw it on the news or you read it in a book or a cop/politician/preacher/teacher/parent/the media tells you something is true, doesn't mean it is! You've got a brain! Fucking use it! Don't be a puppet! Man that means you shouldn't even believe me...find out for yourself. Rant over.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

This is what it's all about.

Thank you Andy. If you don't know about this guy, you are fucked.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hello again.

Why is it that we can't truly enjoy our own happiness because there is a subconscious (or perhaps very conscious) fear that it is all going to be taken away from us? And by "we", I mean "I". But surely it's not just me who is feeling this way? I really hate to be like this, but I can't help it. The more I think to myself that I need to accept good things in my life, the more I think that I'm kidding myself and that nothing can be that great, or that perfect.  Another part of me says that I need to block out that "doubting self" while my "non-doubting self" says that I need to stop resisting my negative thoughts, but embrace them in the hope that they will disappear! It's that whole thing where in my mind I try to resolve conflict by accepting good and bad thoughts like they are not in opposition to one another, but just part of my thought process. In that way, there is not a struggle between two different poles of thought...Does this make any sense at all? Obviously it's not working too well if I'm here writing this blog. All I want is to be able to accept good stuff into my life without thinking it's going to disappear. Can't happiness exist without sadness? Or is that too good to be true? I want the "too good to be true" to be true.