Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Ok, so I'm happy to report that my Facebook withdrawals are not as debilitating as I imagined them to be. Yes, this is Day 3 post-deactivation and I have not once attempted to log back on, even for just a quick sneak peek. I must admit I have thought a million times about potential status updates but I put that down to my mind's routine, and I'm training myself out of it now. It IS kinda strange not knowing what's going on in everyone's lives, but at the same time, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Mainly because I realised that if there is something that I really need to know, I will get a phone call about it or see it on the news HAHA. If anything, one negative effect of not having Facebook is that I predict my phone bill is going to be higher because I've been making extra phone calls in the last few days. As for my productivity levels, I seem to be just as lazy as always...I just distract myself with other things, e.g. the whole first season of Big Bang Theory (which is bloody awesome by the way).

Update you in a week!!
Eva xx

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