Saturday, May 22, 2010

I like honey.

You know I love ya Travie, but please lay off the drugs and get a few cheeseburgers into you. ASAP. There's nothing I hate worse than a skinny guy. Diggin the style though.You still pretty fly for a half-white guy <3

Why I am always broke.

My most used phrase would be "I can't, I'm broke". Despite its over usage, my friends still seem to act shocked when I say these four little words. The conversation usually goes a little something like this:

"Hey Eva, wanna do something?"
"I can't, I'm broke"
"What? You're broke? Still?"

Okay, like, NEWSFLASH PEOPLE! Poverty doesn't go away overnight! Yeah, I was broke yesterday, and I'm still broke today. And even if I did have some money, I would only have it for a few seconds before it was transferred out of my account to pay my rent or my gas bill or my electricity bill or my Centrelink debt which I accumulated after lying to them about being at uni when I was actually pissing away my money at Red Square or some equally seedy nightclub that I frequented at nineteen years of age. Only a small percentage of the money I earn ever reaches my grasp. The rest of it may as well be a figment of my imagination because I never actually see it. Now to top it off, our landlord has increased our fortnightly rent by ten dollars each! Ten bucks, dude! Do you know what I can do with ten bucks? That's approximately four bus trips. Two massive boxes of Nutri Grain. Thirty fucking litres of water! Water, dude! Our landlords may as well have handcuffed me, shoved a sock in my mouth, thrown me in a helicopter and dropped me in the middle of the Sahara Desert 'cause stripping me of an extra ten bucks is like letting me dehydrate for three weeks! I'm talking extreeeeeeme dehydration! But hey, I really like our little townhouse and I really hate an extra ten dollars to rent it is. Now as a uni student, I only work about ten hours per week (more, if they need me) and I don't receive Centrelink so you can imagine, that's not much money to live on. When I did the calculations, I realised that I'm paying 64 percent of my wages to rent (!) and that leaves 36 percent left to pay for all those bills, food, bus tickets and sporting commitments. In other words, I'm royally screwed! I have ZERO money to spend on social fact, I'm usually in the red every week because my weekly wage barely covers anything.

Now I have a talk with my course coordinator and she is all like "Nutrition and Dietietics is a very heavy course load and frankly, as a full-time student, you really don't have time to be working a job as well". I find this hilarious. And by hilarious I mean the kind of funny when you see someone you think is idiotic get run over by a truck. Wouldn't it just be all lovely if I could have Mummy or Daddy pay for my entire degree while I sit on my ass and concentrate on my studies! This lady must be on trips if she thinks everyone has the luxury of not working while at uni. Sorry, honey, but this is the real world and unless you're offering to pay for my living expenses for the next two years, I suggest you shut the fuck up.

It's just frustrating when people have no comprehension of your financial situation, and why you are in it. I'm not saying I don't spend my money on bullshit sometimes, because I do. I have made a tonne of bad decisions with money in the past, and still do, but at this point in time I don't even have the luxury to make bad decisions because I am literally working to survive week to week. And when I say I'm broke, I mean I'm broke, not the I-actually-have-a-savings-account-with-a-shitload-of-money-in-it-that-i'm-not-supposed-to-touch kind of broke. The thing is, I'm happy! Life is good! It may be better with a bit of extra cash, but I'm willing to be a poverty-stricken student for a while because I know it will be worth it in the end.

So I'm sorry if I always say I've got no money and we can't do stuff. It's just the truth. It just means when you're around me we can get more creative! Having fun doesn't always require money, it's all about the company.
