Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Next stop...Depression Central.

Sorry guys, I haven't been updating blogs lately cuz I've been rocking SYDNEY for the last 5 days. FUCK dude, I've spent the last 24 hours back in Adelaide sleeping, eating soggy calamari and facebooking. Massive shoutout to Miss Sara Violante who was kind enough to go thru the bottle shop drive-thru and pick us up a box of Picadilly water and deliver it to our house! We'd run out and were majorly parched as bro. On a side note, since when do bottlos sell boxes of water in the drive thru? I mean, when has anyone gone to a drive thru bottleshop and asked for two bottles of Hennessy and a box of WATER??? Like, wtf.

Anyway, so I'm back from Sydney and I'm broke as a motherfucker. Thao is pretty broke too so our diet this week is probably going to consist of rice cakes, apricot jam and eggs cuz that's all I'm seeing when I open up the fridge. If anyone can think of an awesome recipe combining these 3 ingredients, please hit me up. Oh, we also have that new vegemite called I-snak. But that shit shouldn't even be considered edible. The whole reason Vegemite was awesome was because it was mega salty, and now they have taken the edge away! Wow. I just realised I've been talking about food for pretty much this whole blog. Let's end it here shall we HAHAHA. Just gonna post a couple of my fave pics from Sydney for ya!

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