Thursday, December 31, 2009

Never Back down...

What is it with me and the Karate Kid stuff lately? Yesterday I was chillin watching this flick "Never Back Down" which is an MMA movie from 2008; I've seen it before but what girl ever gets sick of watching hot guys fighting each other? (rhetorical question). I have a major jones for the bad guy in the movie Cam Gigandet who, by the by, plays one of the bad guy vampires in Twilight. Good boys always come last, but not in the movies. Why is that? Aaaanyway, only today did I realise that "Never Back Down" is like a modern interpretation of the Karate Kid which I wrote about in my previous post! Maybe I'm just daft, but that connection was not obvious to me while watching the new flick. I guess because "Never Back Down" is more of a hardcore adult type version of KK, with older actors, sexier scenes and a lot more blood. But beneath all that lies the same storyline: a boy moves to a new town, gets bullied into fighting, meets a hot blonde chick and has to train with a wise teacher dude in order to kick some bad-guy ass. I liked it! Critics hated it apparently but it still raked in 40 million at the box office. I still don't understand what's to hate; the fight scenes were awesome, there was a cute little love-story thing to satisfy the ladies and there were 8-packs galore to be envied by men and women alike. I think critics can go eat a dick. The film also gets special mention thanks to a sweet soundtrack featuring Travis Barker's remix of "Crank That" Soulja Boy Tell 'Em!! Check out this clip which is from the BeatDown Tournament at the end of the movie (@ 1:19 is where the track comes in - it's the bad guy Ryan McCarthy's entrance song). PIIIIIIMPP!!

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